Monday, December 7, 2009

Seattle Day 1, Part 1

Well here it is & here I am!! Yesterday was A LOT for me to take in, and I was just a mess. All glory to God for protecting not just the flights but my spirit as well. I know full well that I could not have conquered it all without Him. Prayer, people!! It's a good thing!

Getting to sleep last night proved to be challenging...chalk it up to being Sleepless in Seattle, I suppose. I honestly didn't expect 2 hours to be that altering, but boy was I wrong. It could have been jet lag too, but I don't know what that feels like, so I can't objectively judge on that. I settled in with some tasty fare from the dining room downstairs (seafood fettucini alfredo and steamed broccoli YUM!), unpacked, called my mom as well as Scott and the kids and after all that vegged watching some tv. Before I knew it, it was 1am my time and I'm pretty sure I didn't fall asleep til closer to 2am. I kept waking up all night because I was afraid I was going to sleep through my alarm and miss my morning appointments. So, 6am local time I awoke to begin my first day of Camp Cushie.

I don't know how I feel yet. The nerves are definitely still there. I really really wish someone was here with me to help take the edge off and preoccupy me. Sure, I can talk to I'm sure I will, but it isn't the same. Let's see what is on tap for this morning? 7:45 am I get to check in to Admitting downstairs to set up my account, I'm scheduled to pee (yes you read that right) at 8am, which marks the start of my 2 24 hour UFC tests and then at 9am I get my PICC line put in (YAY). At 2:30pm I have my first appointment with Dr. Ludlam, which I'm finding myself both nervous and excited about. I'll let ya'll know how it all goes.

Oh, and did I mention that I feel like a giant in this room? lol I am so not kidding!! It's a great little room, I don't need anything other than what is here (and I've already rearranged the furniture to make myself more Pictures are posted above to give you an idea, but I am actually TALLER than the shower head!!! I'm not typically taller than anything!! It amused me, if you can't tell.

So that's all for now, I'll journal more later. Thank you so much for all of the love, support and prayers that I have and continue to receive. I know that I am blessed to have such wonderful people as a part of my life.

Til later.....Toodles Monkeys!!!!

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