Monday, December 7, 2009

Seattle Day 1, Part 2

So it's 12:36pm, local time & I am sore and exhausted. Crazy to think that this is just the tip of the iceberg of what's to come in the next 12 hrs. I got admitted this morning and was instructed to eat breakfast...not my norm, but I complied. But before heading off to the dining room, I was given 2 nifty gift boxes....

Ok, so I lied...not exactly "gifts, so much as 2 24 hr UFC collecting jugs and all of my blood and saliva tubes for the next 32 hours. YAY!!! lol

After breakfast came my scheduled appointment to have my PICC line put in. In case you're wondering what that is, it's a long, skinny, flexible tube that is typically inserted in to a peripheral vein (usually in the upper arm). The tube is moved along until the tip of it is in a large vein in the chest near the heart to get intravenous access. The women that came in to insert my PICC assured me that they are very simple and that they have been doing them for 20 years so I felt as at ease as I could be. The short story is that what should have been "simple" took over an hour for me. These poor sweet ladies and they just kept saying "Oh my, such tiny veins!!" They tried inserting the tube 4 different times before it finally took & one of those times I started jerking all over because the tube kept hitting different nerves so it felt like I was being electrocuted. Really? Why can't anything with me just be SIMPLE??? Here is the pic of the arm they tried...

And that's on the arm that DIDN'T take!! So pretty! lol Now on the arm my PICC is in, you'll notice the large bruise under it where it didn't take the first try.

So that has been the fun of the first part of Day 1 here in Seattle. Now with all of that said, I'll show you the things that have made me smile today!! I think the first speaks for itself:

The next ones are the view from my room. All the way here people kept telling me how overcast Seattle is and that you can't really see anything. If that's true, then a day like this is from God, plain and simple. You can see the Space Needle and past that, which I hope you can see, are snow capped MOUNTAINS!! It's just breathtaking...

So that is my update halfway through Day 1. Check back for more later if so inclined!! I'm finding that writing here is, at very least, therapeutic, if for no other reason than for a brief moment it takes my mind off of things.
Toodles, Monkeys!!!

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