I started out the day uneventfully with my CT scan of my adrenal glands. I have the cd of it, but no drive on my netbook to look at them, which is driving me bananas. I had to do a great bit of waiting and got REALLY bored and EXTREMELY punchy. The proof is in the photos. This sign, for whatever reason made me smile

Next I found extreme amusement in this:

The box reads "Your comments are important to us. Thank you." THAT is not what I found funny. What WAS funny was that the box was stuffed and actually overflowing with comment papers that clearly hadn't been emptied in some time. So now you tell me...just how important are the comments to them?? lol Maybe just me, but I thought that was hilarious. Now here's the punchy part of the morning. I made a friend. He was very tiny with bright blue eyes and as we talked, the more impressed I became. Feast your eyes upon Mr. Fingers' photo of his days as a race car driver, tryin to impress the ladies....Lady Fingers, if you will.

CLEARLY I have issues (and WAY too much time on my hands!) Now on to the rest of my day!!
With pep in my step (for me..lol) and a smile on my face, I set out to experience Pike Place Market, and anywhere else I might end up along the way. Now I have to start by saying something that makes me sound like an idiot. I had NO idea that Seattle was a continuous series of crazy hills!!! It was like watching the opening credits of Full House and seeing the streets of San Francisco! As I turned on to Pike Street I saw different boutiques and kitchy businesses, each unique and carving out its own unique space. I then got to the crest of the Pike Street hill and what I saw took my breath away. I don't even think that the picture I took will do it even miniscule justice.

I made a beeline for the street level entrance to the market, which was buzzing with patrons, the melodic sounds of street performers and bursting with the colors of an array of fruits, vegetables and the freshest fresh fish I have ever set my eyes upon. There were several fresh fish vendors, proundly displaying the catches that had just come in off the boats this morning, but only one seemed to strike a chord with the passers by, including myself. Three or four young men in their mid to late 20s playing to the growing crowds, making the fish "fly", telling jokes, and scaring the tar out of (mostly) women getting close to a huge, ugly monkfish to take a picture. Little did these unsuspecting folks know that they had the monkfish tail rigged to where they could tug the tail and the fish appeared to jump out. HILARIOUS! Gorgeous pinkish orange salmon on ice and a huge fresh octopus were just some of the wares they had on display for purchase.

It was truly an experience I will remember forever. Vendors from different countries, with unique visions for the items they were selling. Fresh cut flowers with colors so vibrant and fragrances so sweet that they could easily evoke emotion. Here are some more pictures from my Pike Place adventure.
I ended my day by getting back on the #3 bus (only after getting lost...which is how I stumbled upon the Winter Wonderland where the carousel was located) anticipating my return to Swedish Hospital and my small, yet cozy room that was calling my name. When I got ON the bus it was packed as tight as a sardine can. Once the passengers were down to just me and my friendly bus driver, I asked him to let me know when we were close. That is when he informed me that I had gotten on the #3 going in the wrong direction, and that while it WOULD get me back to my destination, it wouldn't be for another 40 minutes or so. I was too sore and tired to feel upset, and at that moment could only laugh it off. Where did I have to be? I embraced this change in plans and saw it as an opportunity to see ALL of Seattle, parts I never would have seen otherwise...and all for $1.75. Rolling hills, sweeping, majestic views of Lake Washington and different mountain ranges, magnificent architecture, and a cast of ever changing characters/passengers made for a truly unique experience.

It was a wonderful day, free to escape the walls of the hospital. It was funny though, how at the end of the day, all I wanted to do was get back to the tiny room I had started the day eager to escape, if only for a little bit. Tomorrow is another day. I'm excited to see what it brings.

I love reading about your stay at cushie camp. I met Dr. L when I flew all the way up there from FL for a one day seminar. Does he have any specific requirements to qualify for a stay at camp cushie. I've tested, but can't get the right results. I've wondered if camp would give me more info. Can't wait for the next installment:) Take Care-LisaMarie