Monday, December 7, 2009

Seattle Day 2, Part 1

TIRED!! The one word to sum up how I feel right now, but sleep is fleeting and hard to come by. I just got back upstairs from my 4am blood heisting, and it's already my third since midnight. I'm lucky that my overnight nurse is really sweet, but sleep...ahhhhhh. So I am just 4 hours in to my 32 hours of blood draws every 4 hours. I doze off for a half hour or so, but then jolt awake freaked out and panicked that I have slept through my alarm and screwed all of this up. Ugh.

Well aside from the uneventfulness going on with me at the moment, I suppose I should update ya'll on the remainder of my day yesterday.

I got to meet with Dr. Ludlam & LOVED him!! I'm so used to doctors looking at me like I'm crazy when I tell them about the entire laundry list of crappy symptoms going back to 2003, and that wasn't the case at all for once! In addition I can't talk about any of this without bursting in to tears, as some of you may have first hand knowledge off (lol), it's just such an emotional thing. I felt comfortable here though. I even managed to get his physician's assistant, Jennifer (SHE IS FAN FREAKIN TASTIC, BTW), to tear up in the midst of my breakdown. Overall, just really good people. Dr Ludlam looked at my 2006 brain MRI and did see my cyst (in all its glory), but couldn't tell anything on the pituitary. He did, however, say that tumors on the pit are REALLY hard to see, so that's no cause for concern or question. He also said that going off of my history of pictures that I brought with me and my symptoms alone he thinks that I fit the bill pretty perfectly. Unfortunately, the picture and symptom histories don't determine anything, they're just the first stepping stone, so now it's all up to biochemistry. I was never good in chemistry. I had a weird chem teacher in high school that had a Barbie doll straddling one of the beaker holder/gas pipe thingies. lol...Not that that has a darn thing to do with any of

So now you are up to date. Today will be filled with blood draws every 4 hours, so hopefully I can encounter some amusing human idiocy or SOMEthing to entertain me. If so, you'll hear about it!

Much love & have a TREMENDOUS TUESDAY!!!

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