Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Seattle Day 3, Part 1

Good morning, friends. I want to start the day by thanking you for all of your prayers and well wishes, they have brought such calming to my spirit, which means more than you can possibly know.

It was another night of blood draws every 4 hours, and my body has decided that it does not need to sleep, apparently. I got a great nap in yesterday between my noon and 4pm draws, and then didn't sleep again until after my 4am draw this morning. I'm fairly certain that since the draws started at midnight Tuesday I've slept about 8 hours in all...and that's being generous. But my brain seems to disagree and right now I'm not tired at all. One nurse asked me how it is that I am so friendly and "red faced" (assuming she meant on such little sleep. She said most people going through this regimine are reeeeaallly tired, dragging and non talkative. I have no explanation.

About 40 minutes ago I had my LAST BLOOD DRAW!!!! HURRAYYYYYY!!!! I turned in my 2nd UFC test right after, salivary tests are all packaged and being sent out today. Productive morning, I'd say...and all in less than an hour span. Right now I'm just waiting for the pharmacy to open so I can pick up my Dexamethasone pills (which I start taking at 1pm) and then I check in to admitting for my CT scan of my adrenals at 10:30am. CT needs to hurry the hippidy dippidy up though.....had to fast this morning and mama needs COFFEEEEE!!!! Aside from all that I have nothing scheduled for the day. Kinda weird. Just take a pill every 6 hours, tomorrow too.

It's another remarkably beautiful day here in Seattle. It's the kind of blue sky that belongs in a crayon box with not a cloud to be seen. I'm in my room looking out over downtown Seattle and like how the city city is the center of all this serene beauty of water and mountains. I seel all of this grand scenery and it's almost like it's all hugging the city. It's almost, I don't know...cozy.

So that's it for the time being. I don't get the PICC line out just yet..not til Friday after they do the Dex Suppression test. I hope you all have a truly blessed and wondrous day, as for me, maybe I'll venture out. The idea scares the crap out of me, but I don't want to regret NOT going out and experiencing this city first hand when I have the opportunity. We shall see!!!

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